Monday, April 20, 2009

We Crib, We Cry; But Why ?

We crib, We Cry,
But we hesitate to Try,
Have you ever thought Why ?

No gain being a Moral Duty Shy !

(Be a responsible citizen and vote for Nation, Telling a truth I am waked up after 12 year so you !)
Yes, I did !!!
Handling a public service in India is quite a tricky task. That's what I was aware and belived so far. But recently got a amazing experience @ BSNL.Like to share the incident and way I handled a issue. I am interested to make more and more people aware that public service departments are not sleeping any more. My phone was having some issues since from last two months. Called up 198 and registered several complaint but every time getting one or two calls saying cable issue and then phone was again dead. After having a frustrated experience of two months finally I decided to move on some other service provider but though that it's my right and duty towards making country better. I can move to some other service provider any day lets try the escalation and see if still BSNL is sleeping?
Good part is that I am having habit of writing all the things so all the calls made @ 198 was with me with date and time. I dropped a registered post to JTO with all the calls details.
After 10 day of no response again dropped a registered post to STO with above details and details of registered post to JTO. Also while searching on net got brilliant information about the online complaint booking facility and grievance raising facility. All BSNL user who are facing issues can raise a grievance and ask for information for their registered complain. That's a mandate from Gov. to appoint or designate a RTI Officer for all Gov. Offices and Services.
To my surprise just after 2 Hrs BSNL people started working on my issues and resolved the problem within Two Hrs.
I am enclosing both the Links for BSNL Users.
1.) Grievance Registration
2.) Online Fault Booking
Now I am going to try same thing with PF departments.

1 comment:

Mak said...

this is quite informative. I pray for the person who came up with RTI and pushed in thru to a Law. I hope it retains its magic in Govt depts else they might treat RTI with same disregard as their other work